Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter to Appear in Seberang Prai Car Free Morning

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: Car-Free Morning will take place in Seberang Prai. Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooters are due to appear amongst activities.

On 3 May, an event, called Car-Free Morning introduced by Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP), is expected to take place from 6 am to noon in Seberang Prai. The event is in line with the government’s Go Green initiative. It has been proposed that the event be held on the first Sunday morning of each month.

The theme of Car-Free Morning will be centred on Green & Eco-friendly. As such, Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooters are due to appear amongst activities. The local high-ranking officials including the mayor are also set to attend the event. During the event, eRoda Edge and Tech Gear, as invited guests and Malaysian Airwheel distributors, will offer a set of Airwheel electric unicycle X3 as a prize of lottery draw. On that day, two sets of Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter S3 are to appear in the event for public try.


Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter to Appear in Seberang Prai Car Free Morning


Airwheel is established as a renowned scooter-maker across the globe and famed for its green scooters. Airwheel’s core notion of products features ease of use, user-friendly design and eco-friendly technology in particular, which is literally consistent with the theme advocated in Car-Free Morning.

These days, the growingly tremendous problem of city pollution escalates people’s concerns about the environment around us. In city, the formidable amount of exhaust from the car engine forces us to have to think out solutions. The local govt. encourages the carpooling and the public transportation. However, it works out with limited success for multiple reasons. Hence, a green personal transporter takes on its magnitude. Airwheel S3 squarely meets these demands.

Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter to Appear in Seberang Prai Car Free Morning

This sort of electric-powered scooter is equipped with a lithium battery core beneath its standing board. The lithium battery is in the main characterised by no emission in process of operation. So S3 is also favoured by environmentalists. S3 had been ubiquitous in a great number of fields, for instance factory warehouses, sports meeting and trade fairs. There may be some people understandably worrying about its capacity of power. In fact, the lithium battery mounted on S3 is such potent as to cover 40km and mix out at 16kmh. Such potent performance surely reassures the riders of a hassle-free journey.

If you are eager to a thrilling experience, do not miss out on the Car-Free Morning on 3 May.

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